Archive: Platinum Restoration News – October

One Solid Year
Platinum Restoration NewsIf you are receiving this newsletter, then you are part of the reason why we are creating it. About mid September last year, we decided that it was time to start a company that we believe has the best interest of our clients and customers in mind. We believed that through hard work, strong work ethics, and a lot of sweat, we could make it happen. You trusted us to handle the work load, not only in the midst of one of the worst storms that the Midwest has seen in years, but in the following year after. We are proud to have been able to take care of these claims without a hitch and sincerely thank each and every one of you that supported our endeavor.
Our company has been able to keep our overhead low enough to invest in new equipment, including brand new air movers, Low Grain Refrigerant dehumidifiers, HEPA air scrubbers, new digital hygrometers, a thermo hygrometer, and much more! Our three year old warehouse is perfect for storing our equipment and customers personal property and is secured by ADT and under constant video surveillance. Even though Tom lives 2 blocks from the office, I’m sure this makes him sleep better. As many business owners will do, we plan to maximize our funds into the growth of our future through continuing to educate our staff and buying more equipment. As we roll right into this next year, we want you to be assured that we strive to be the very best restoration company available!!
Organizations that we’re proud to be a part of:
This year we were able to be approved by several organizations which add to our credibility as a qualified restoration contractor and business in the state of Illinois. We have obtained our license to be a General Contractor in Chicago, and have also become an accredited business on file with the Better Business Bureau.
The IICRC also approved our company as a Certified Firm and we have joined the RIA, both of which we are extremely proud to be a part of. The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) is formerly known as the ASCR and we will be attending many of their conferences and educating much of our staff through their programs in the near future. Our Council Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor (CMRS) is certified through the now named American Council for Accredited Certifications (ACAC) and the company also belongs to the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA).
Upcoming events and accomplishments:
Tom successfully navigated his way through the RIA’s “Contents Restoration: Science and Theory Course” which is a prerequisite for the Certified Restorer course. He is scheduled to attend that week long study in November.
Kris and Mike prepare to attend the Water Restoration Technician course at Jon Don for their first IICRC certification!
Our website is finally finished and will launch by the time you receive this newsletter!!
Open house and PR presentation Christmas Party!!