Archive: Platinum Restoration News – February

As most of you know, over the last four months, Tom has been preparing for and fulfilling all of the requirements to become a Certified Restorer. On January 21st, the Restoration Industry Association approved his formal report, which was the last step in the program, and awarded Tom the highly coveted Certified Restorer designation! He will gladly attend the award ceremony at the RIA’s Annual Convention this coming March in Atlanta. Leading from the front is contagious and we know Tom will be passing on what he has learned to our technicians. Becoming a credentialed expert adds value to our company and is another way to let you know that we take our proficiency VERY seriously.
We also want to congratulate the technicians that recently attended and passed the test to become Water Restoration and Fire and Smoke Technicians. Way to go Kevin, Kris, and Mike!!
New Lead Law
If you are just now starting to get in tune with the new standard that takes effect April 22nd, 2010, we want you to know that we are all over it! We do have a Certified Renovator on staff and ALL our supervisors will be attending the Repair, Renovation, and Painting course over the next couple of months. Although Platinum Restoration has no intention of becoming a provider of Lead-Based paint ABATEMENT, we are qualified to handle these materials for all mitigation and reconstruction work. Out Certified firm application is in the hands of the EPA and we will be in full compliance by the end of February. We will be meeting with most of you over the next couple of months to make sure we all understand the new rule the same way, and that we are in full compliance with your company policy. This is not the flavor of the month and we will abide by the new law to protect our customers and employees.
Upcoming events and accomplishments:
RIA Conference – Atlanta!!
Western Loss Spring Seminar
Kevin to Attend Jon-Don’s Strategies for Success course
Kris will attend the Repair, Renovation, and Painting course